Today, the Bronx LGBT Community can finally rest knowing that Lisa Winters, former executive director of Bronx Community Pride Center has been sentenced to 2-6 years for STEALING…let’s not call it anything fancy like embezzlement because it makes her look smarter than she actually is.
Know that this isn’t gloating or being happy that she will be in jail but I will say that I am ECSTATIC that justice was served. Having been a volunteer at BCPC and having started what was the ONLY support group for HIV+ men in the entire Bronx along with a friend, we provided a service with NOT ONE DIME yet we got it done. Lisa Winters always promised to get money for us to do more thing but we never held our breath.
Just like everything Bronx, we’ll rise from the ashes and come out stronger.
Stay tuned in the very near future as we rebuild again from the ground up an establish a NEW LGBT Center we can all be proud of. If you are interested in starting a new organization with me, then feel free to contact me but be forewarned: We will not tolerate self-interested folks looking to promote themselves and not do anything for the people. The bullshit stops here. Feel free to distribute this far and wide.

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