Tomorrow is a busy day at No Longer Empty’s exhibition at the Old Bronx Borough Courthouse, ‘When You Cut Into The Present The Future Leaks Out’ with two programs for all ages. Take a look at their descriptions below and make sure you RSVP for the programs you want to attend!

You Be The Judge
Thursday, May 21 2015 5:45 pm – 8:00 pm
What better setting than a courthouse to learn about the criminal justice system and how trials are conducted?
One of the many programs produced by the Bronx District Attorney’s Community Affairs Office, You Be The Judge presents a mock trial involving a real-life case, with the audience participating as the jury. After witness and defendant “testimony,” the audience will be given the opportunity to deliberate and hand down a verdict.
And, unlike the real thing, audience members will get to ask questions of the judge, the prosecutor and the defense attorney–all members of the Bronx D.A.’s staff playing the roles.
Cut Into The Past: Reclaiming Our Narratives [Multiple Dates]
Thursday, May 21 2015 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Together with the local New York Public Library’s Branch Community Oral Program, we are collecting oral histories of people who lived and worked in the neighborhood and near the Old Bronx Borough Courthouse. Join us for the kick-off of this exciting partnership with NYPL. Adult Programming Coordinator, Alexandra Kelly, will introduce basic interview methods to the community, and conduct live interviews with luminaries from the neighborhood, which will be archived at the New York Public Library for future generations.
Please visit for more information about the New York Public Library’s Community Oral History Project.
Kick-Off Event is May 14 at 6:30pm.
Training Sessions are
Saturday, May 16 10am -12pm.
Thursday, May 21 6:30pm – 8pm.
Personal Stories can be shared on
June 13, 2015 2pm to 5pm
July 2, 2015 4 to 7pm
July 3, 2015 4 to 7pm
July 9, 2015 4 to 7pm
Stories can be as short as 4 minutes or as long as 1.5hrs. Sign up slots will be posted shortly.
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