Watch: 32-Year Timelapse of The Bronx


Google has compiled a timelapse of satellite images of our planet spanning from 1984 through 2016 and the results are beautiful and alarming as you can clearly see evidence of climate change.

We decided to take a look at The Bronx (no surprise there) and what we found is pretty amazing. You can see the rebuilding of the South Bronx with empty lots being filled in with new construction, Throggs Neck’s Ferry Point Park, Bay Plaza in Co-op City appearing out of nowhere, the Jerome Reservoir being drained and then filled again, the new Yankee Stadium going up and then the old coming down.

You can even see how narrow Orchard Beach gets before being expanded again!

Check it out:

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Ed García Conde

Ed García Conde is a life-long Bronxite who spends his time documenting the people, places, and things that make the borough a special place in the hopes of dispelling the negative stereotypes associated with The Bronx. His writings are often cited by mainstream media and is often consulted for his expertise on the borough's rich history.