Search Results for: "Cromwell"

Bronx Photo League Documents The People of Jerome Avenue; Exhibition Opens October 3rd

From a 3rd generation Jewish shopkeeper, to a Salvadoran auto worker, to an African hairdresser and a Latina nail salon worker, these are the people that the Bronx Documentary Center’s Bronx Photo League have been documenting for many months now for their upcoming exhibition, ‘Jerome Avenue Workers Project’.

Last year, New York City Department of City Planning announced that they were studying the “Cromwell-Jerome” area of The Bronx—an area that doesn’t exist which spurred fears of rebranding and gentrification—for possible rezoning due to rise in population and projected increases in population over the next several decades.

Historic District Council’s FREE Summer Mixer This Monday!

We are at a critical juncture in our borough’s history.

101 years ago, when The Bronx was born as the 62nd and last county of New York State in Melrose at The Old Bronx Borough Courthouse, there began a frenzy and expansion into our borough that forever changed our landscape.

Today we are facing a second gold rush so to speak as we are considered the last frontier in real estate development in New York City—a city that is no longer recognizable to us with the loss of many neighborhoods that have succumbed to the white washing of gentrification and “progress” littered with the same chain store after chain store.

This is a chance to mingle and meet other Bronxites concerned about the future of our borough and the issues we face. It doesn’t matter if you’re from Riverdale, The South Bronx, Morris Park, Soundview, Throggs Neck, Kingsbridge or anywhere in The Bronx—this is an event for ALL of our residents.

Developers and Cities Are Navigating the Affordable Housing Sea in a Leaky Boat – Next City

Here’s an interesting piece on a topic close to home in The Bronx: Affordable Housing.

The article skims the surface of what is a tangled web in which affordable housing developers have to navigate which is so much deeper than Next City can even get into but it does speak briefly about the Jerome Avenue Study area and other parts of New York City.

WATCH: Two Part Series on BronxTalk Explores the Jerome Ave Study Area With City Planning & Community Organizations

One of the hottest topics in Bronx real estate is the proposed Cromwell-Jerome Avenue Study area which has the potential to transform a 73 block area which overlapping two community districts and multiple neighborhoods.

Gary Axelbank, the host of the long running BronxTalk, help a two-part series of discussions on the issues with the first having aired Monday, March 10 with Carol Samol on the show to talk more about the process and the study. On Monday, the second air showed which gave community groups such as CASA and Local 79 a chance to present their thoughts and ideas on the situation at hand.

Watch the videos on the conversation and let us know what you think.

$200 Million From City To Develop Special Harlem River Waterfront District, New Ferries Priced As Same As A Subway Fare, & Gentrification

During the State of The City, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a $200 million investment in the South Bronx waterfront for development as a focus of his administration’s agenda. The Mayor also announced that new ferry services being touted for the East Bronx and Far Rockaway in Queens will cost the same as a subway fare — something which Welcome2TheBronx insisted had to occur in order for it to be an equitable service that truly serves the people of The Bronx.

Jerome Avenue corridor eyed for new zoning | Crain’s New York Business

Major controversy surrounds the Cromwell-Jerome Neighborhood Study area and Crains New York just issued an article on it. The proposed 73 block study area was the topic of the recent 2nd Annual Bronx Gentrification Conference at the Bronx Documentary Center this past Saturday.

Neighborhood residents are fearful that city planning is coming in to upzone the area and push out long time residents as well as businesses.

Jerome Avenue corridor eyed for new zoning | Crain's New York Business

Major controversy surrounds the Cromwell-Jerome Neighborhood Study area and Crains New York just issued an article on it. The proposed 73 block study area was the topic of the recent 2nd Annual Bronx Gentrification Conference at the Bronx Documentary Center this past Saturday.

Neighborhood residents are fearful that city planning is coming in to upzone the area and push out long time residents as well as businesses.

Top 5 Reasons Why Growing Up In The Bronx Was Awesome!

The following is a syndicated post From NYCTalking by Angel Rodriguez.

Growing up in New York City is an experience unlike any other. Growing up in the Bronx, in NYC, is an entirely different experience unto itself. There is the good, and there is the bad in it. You will have some amazing experiences, and some that are best forgotten.

Today I will be sharing with you 5 of the most awesome things about growing up in the Bronx, right here in New York City.

Bronx Residents Disrupt Tour of Proposed ‘New Neighborhood’ – Gentrification Watch – Curbed NY

Since we first began discussing Cromwell-Jerome on Welcome2TheBronx and throughout various Bronx Facebook Groups, many residents have been disturbed by the idea of the rebranding of a neighborhood and the community not having input in even the proposition of the study area which was presented by Department of City Planning last month.

On Saturday, during the second tour of the study area which was hosted by DCP, Bronx residents disrupted the tour in anger. Welcome2TheBronx received calls and emails about what had transpired including their fear and anger at what they perceive is going on.

Extend The 3 Train to the Bronx

Prior to Bloomberg taking office, the neighborhoods of Highbridge, Morris Heights and University Heights were already transit starved.  Due to it’s steep topography, the West Bronx remains as topographically isolated today as it was in the late 1800’s when Cromwell’s Creek ran north up up the valley beyond 167th Street.